Trade with confidence


Is the fear of overdue and missed payments from your customers standing between your business and new opportunities? If that’s a yes, it’s time to take up short-term Accounts Receivable Insurance (also known as Trade Credit Insurance). Today, Trade Credit Insurance protects more than $600 billion in US sales.

Offered through our deep network of major global insurance partners, these comprehensive policies safeguard your domestic and international sales. You’re insured for slow payment or non-payment by your customers – for up to 95% of the invoiced value when trading on open account terms. Coverage is comprehensive, taking both commercial and political risks into account.

You can expect speedy policy activations and efficient resolutions to claims, none of the administrative hassle, and a true partnership with a preferred broker – all at no additional cost to you as the policy holder. Accounts Receivable Insurance allows you to de-risk your business, decisively.

We partner with industry leaders

This is the logo for EXIM (Export-Import Bank of the United States)
This is a logo of the COFace For Trade
This is a logo of the Allianz Trade
This is a logo of Chubb

What sets our product apart?

More growth
According to Allianz Trade, Accounts Receivable Insurance can increase your sales by up to 20%. With your risk reduced, you’ll also enjoy greater bargaining power. You’ll feel confident in offering better credit terms to your customers, which will increase your competitiveness against your global peers. That’s a big plus.

Better financing
Accounts Receivable Insurance does more than mitigate your non-payment risks. By taking out cover, your company’s receivables become more secure and attractive to lenders. On average, banks are willing to lend up to 80% more on insured transactions, at better rates – which can unlock your cashflow. That’s smart trading.

EXIM experience
We have a long-standing relationship with the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM Bank), who act as one of our global insurance partners. With EXIM Bank, qualifying small businesses can even make use of the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) grant to fund their Accounts Receivable Insurance premiums. That’s real value.

Pay-as-you-go cover
With policies that are underwritten by EXIM Bank, you’ll pay predetermined premiums on a shipment-by-shipment basis. You pay when you ship and only for actual sales. That’s innovation.

A solution that suits

Trust our experts to guide you through the process of acquiring the best policy for your business. Choose from two policy types:

This protects your individual or repeat shipments with a new or existing customer against non-payment, with credit terms ranging from 30 to 180 days (and up to 360 days, industry and policy dependent).

This covers all or a selected portion of your receivables book across all or several of your customers. Cover ranges from 1 to 180 days (or up to 360 days in certain circumstances). As a multi-buyer policy holder, you will also enjoy the benefit of a comprehensive credit analysis on your existing and prospective customers.

Focus on wins, not warning signs

Take advantage of our domestic and international Accounts Receivable Insurance to secure your next big venture – so you can get on with the business of growing. Ask us for a free consultation and we’ll be in touch.

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If you don’t have Accounts Receivable Insurance, let’s talk. And if you do have a policy, let’s do a free comparison.